Moving Silence
Jesus - Der Film
CheUn Dalou


Vom 12. - 21. März 2015 unternahm die Filmklasse eine Exkursion nach Athen. Teilnehmer/innen der Exkursion waren acht Studierende und der Professor der Filmklasse. Die Filmklasse wurde von 'Moving Silence Athen' in Kooperation mit dem Goethe-Institut Athen eingeladen und veranstaltete zusammen mit dem Projektraum 'Circuits & Currents' der Athens School of Fine Arts einen Workshop ('Vice Versa').
From 12 - 21 March 2015, the HBK Film Class undertook an excursion to Athens. The participants included eight students and the professor of the Film Class. The Film Class was invited by the Moving Silence Festival of Athens in cooperation with the Goethe Institute of Athens, and held a workshop called “Vice Versa” with the Circuits & Currents project space of the Athens School of Fine Arts.



March 12 - 16, 2015 – Moving Silence in Athens.
We want to bring the poetry of silent moving images back to the present!

As a group of musicians, artists and film professionals we create a platform for contemporary silent movies. Therefore we are building up a network and organize events to connect the roots of cinematography with the present aesthetics of image and live music production.
The predecessors of moving images have a long tradition in portraying and characterizing people and places. But they were limited to one "frame". When film evolved, portraits could be extended by a new dimension: time. Moving Silence Athens under the artistic direction of Matthias Fritsch presents a cinematic program that is is inspired by the theme of "portrait". The events include silent projections of contemporary films that are accompanied with live soundtracks, a workshop and an exhibition on GIF art.
For the 5th time the Goethe-Institut Athen is co-producing these events. This years collaborating venues are Circuits and Currents, the recently opened project space in Exarchia, and Iris cinema, the beautiful vintage cinema in the heart of Athens.



80s Underground Classic "JESUS - THE FILM"
Saturday March 14th, 2015 at 21:00
JESUS - THE FILM by Michael Brynntrup is a monumental feature film in 35 episodes, shot on Super8. The individual episodes retell the story of the New Testament and were made by a total of 22 filmmakers from East and West Germany in 15 months (1985/86).
The screening at Iris, the incredibly beautiful vintage cinema of the University of Athens Students' Cultural Society, presented the classic with a completely new live soundtrack. The musicians were: Azmon>Nehum, Adam_is, Efthimis Theodosis, DEKJ, Voltnoi Brege, Duo Violoncelli (Georgina Dimitriou & Jorgos Tamiolakis), Balsamsaft and Guests (Anna Pangalou); artistic direction by Thalia Ioannidou and Nektarios Pappas.



Workshop 'Vice Versa' (12. - 16.03.2015)
Während der ersten fünf Tage der Exkursion wurde zusammen mit den Studierenden der Athens School of Fine Arts der Workshop 'Vice Versa' durchgeführt. In griechisch-deutsch-gemischten Zweiergruppen haben sich die Studierenden beider Hochschulen gegenseitig portraitiert. Entstanden sind insgesamt 19 kurze Videos mit einer Gesamtlänge von ca. einer Stunde. Zum Abschluß des Workshops wurde das Programm im Projektraum 'Circuits & Currents' öffentlich präsentiert und von drei griechischen Musikern live vertont (Yorgos Axiotis, Thalia Ioannidou, Gellina Palla). (Workshopleitung: Michael Brynntrup)
The workshop 'Vice Versa' was based on collaboration in a 2-person-team. Each workshop participant was working with an unknown person of the other university. By being limited to visual expression only, the participants had to develop a strong visual language and narration. The workshop’s aim was the production of one silent moving images portrait by each participant; all 19 portraits came together in a program of about one hour.
The results were publicly presented & joined by live soundtracks
on March 16th at 7pm in Circuits and Currents, Notara 13 & Tositsa.



CheUn Dalou
31:32 min | 2015 | HD (ProRes 1920x1080) | bw+col | sound+silent
Ein Episodenfilm der Filmklasse Braunschweig mit Beiträgen von: Derhoske, Malte Hartewieg, Sabine Janz, Vivian Oliveira, Meike Redeker, Deborah Uhde und Michael Brynntrup

PREMIERE: 16. März 2015, 19:00 Uhr
Circuits and Currents, Notara 13 & Tositsa, Athen
(Live-Vertonung durch DEKJ)

»CheUn Dalou« ist ein Episodenfilm aus der Filmklasse Braunschweig zu dem Film 'Un Chien Andalou' (1929) von Salvador Dalí und Luis Buñuel. Das kollektive Projekt wurde in Athen uraufgeführt und von DEKJ (zusammen mit drei griechischen Musikern) live-vertont.
"CheUn Dalou" is a collective film response of the Film Class Braunschweig to Buñuel's silent surrealist classic "Un Chien Andalou" from 1929. – The premiere was presented with live soundtracks by DEKJ on March 16th at 7pm in Circuits and Currents, Athens.


13. - 16. März 2015 | vor und nach den moving silence live events

The Gif-exhibition "Jiggling Golems" was available at following venues:
Friday, 13 March 2015, at Goethe-Institute Athens, Omirou 14-16, 10033 Athens
Saturday, 14 March 2015, at Iris Cinema, Akadimias Str. 55, 10679 Athens
Monday, 16 March 2015, at Circuits and Currents, Notara 13, Exarcheia, 10683 Athens

Die Filmklasse war mit einigen, individuellen Arbeiten in der GIF-Ausstellung "Jiggling Golems" vertreten. Die 'mobile' Ausstellung wurde an verschiedenen Orten und zu verschiedenen Zeiten während des Moving Silence Festivals gezeigt. Um die 'Exponate' zu sehen, mußten die Besucher ihr 'mobile device' (smart phone oder tablet) mitbringen.
From laterna magica to the animated digital files, gifs share distinct features with silent film culture. As part of the Moving Silence events, Jiggling Golems will explore the cinematic qualities of gifs, their narrative potentials and semiotics in an exhibition about gif art. The exhibtion will travel to the venues. Bring your smartphone or tablet to explore the "Jiggling Golems"! – The exhibition was curated by Mariana Ziku, art historian and musician from Ioannina, Greece.

Dank an unsere Förderer und Partner | thanks to:


GRIECHENLAND-EXKURSION   |   (12. - 21.03.2015)

Moving Silence



Jesus - Der Film

CheUn Dalou


EXKURSIONEN + etcetera

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